
Main screens

Context editors are specialized to edit each step of experiment, see below.

Contexts Menu


You can open and/or create samples to run with MR experiment. Each sample element have three characteristics: t1,t2 and density of spins.

Sample Screen


Here you can set static magnetic field and add inhomogeneity to it.

System Screen


You can choose a pulse sequence for your experiment, that includes the RF and gradient pulses. The sequence is programmed in Python at this moment.

Sequence Screen


At this point you can set simulation mode and other details about simulation , e.g. time resolution.

Simulator Screen


Finally you can process your data to plot the spectrum, imaging or other features.

Processing Screen

2D Editor

This editor provides a table that represents the current selected slice of the 3D view. In this table you can edit the values of each element property(ies). Colors also help you to pre visualize the intensity of chosen value.

3D View

3D view is used to show contexts objects such as sample, magnet field inhomogeneity, and the evolution of magnetization. You can move the cam to adjust the perspective.


Data can be saved using HDF5 files. For each context we adopted an extension to distinguish from each other. HDF5 files can be easily modified with other external tool if necessary.